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Twist The Willow Twig x Ana Hana Flower

10 Jun 2021

Editorial on Twist The Willow Twig

[Transcript for the editorial]

A casual session with Twist The Willow Twig (TTWT), a floral hoop business, where we chat about flowers and floral crafts.

J: Hi Vanessa, I'm Jasmine from Ana Hana Flower. Please introduce yourself and TTWT!

V: Hi, I'm Vanessa and I started TTWT about a year ago. Before TTWT, I was a full-time graphic designer with a passion for flowers and crafts. TTWT's concept revolves around a twisted willow twig as all of my twig hoops are hand twisted to size! I enjoy the infinite possibilities to what I can craft with just a hoop. Most of all, I like a good 'ol atypical challenge.

J: That's an interesting take on floral arrangement! At Ana Hana, we, too, have several arrangement styles. My personal favourite would be our beautiful Preserved Flower Domes where the 'flowers in glass jar' concept reminds me of Beauty and the Beast! But let's get back to you, what motivated you to start TTWT?

V: My desire for an atypical wedding! I wanted my bridal bouquet to be unique and was drawn to the idea of letting it hang on my arm like a handbag instead of holding it. After my wedding, my family and friends told me how interesting the idea was and that I should explore it more. Their support encouraged me to make this idea work in Singapore.

J: That's definitely an uncommon idea! I'd say the signature at Ana Hana is definitely our Omakase Bouquets! Omakase means to leave it up to the florist to decide what flowers are to be used in a bouquet. So an Omakase Bouquet is a totally unique one! What types of flowers do you use for your crafts?

V: I work with fresh, dried and preserved materials for my crafts but I'm always looking out for new and interesting materials too!

J: Fresh, dried and preserved flowers! We have both at Ana Hana too! Mind sharing with us where your design ideas come from? We can inspire each other!

V: I take inspiration from my everyday life. From fashion to art, there really are no limits! I'm also inspired by talented artists who are amazing at what they do!

J: We know that feeling! One beautiful thing about flowers is that since they're part of nature, they inspire and can be inspired by nature too. That's how we at Ana Hana get ideas for each arrangement! One last question! What have been the most satisfying moments for you since you started TTWT?

V: I don’t want to sound cliché *laughs* but it really is when I get a huge thank you at the end of somebody's big day after fulfilling what they asked for. Seeing the big smiles on their faces makes all the hard work worth the while!

J: That's not cliché at all! We understand that feeling of being appreciated. For us, it's the smile on somebody's face when they receive the flowers we put our heart into!

[End of transcript]

Ana Hana

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